June 30, 2012

Is 'Appreciating' the Opposite of 'Taking for Granted?'

Things that have made the biggest difference so far:

So I put the dishes in it and then they end up clean?  Like I don't have to toil over a sink for hours washing dishes, wondering if they are going to be clean enough because I can't get the water hot enough nor scrub them hard enough?  Like I just put them in, push a button, and they COME OUT CLEAN?!  What kind of sorcery IS this?!
I suddenly have way more time.  And the kitchen gets clean a lot faster.
Imagine that.

Free laundry
I always thought I had an aversion to doing laundry.  Like, I really didn't like it and I didn't care if my clothes weren't that clean because it doesn't matter that much anyway, right?
It's because I vehemently despised PAYING $1.50 PER LOAD to do my freaking laundry, to wash things that I can't go without washing (ie: bath towels?) and having to shell out buckets of quarters to do so.
Now that laundry is included in my rent, and not coin-op, I've done probably a thousand loads already.  And I fucking LOVE doing laundry.
Not kidding.
My mom is probably shitting right now.

There's more than one window.  This is quite a luxury, if you've ever had more than one window.
I can put up more than one kind of curtain because, uh, there is more than one place to hang them.  And most important: the light is simply SPLENDID.  I've got east-facing windows and west-facing windows.  Morning light in the kitchen, afternoon light in the living room.  It's as if the universe was like, "Hey let's construct an apartment building that was made for her, and then mysteriously lead her to it through a series of mishaps and disappointments, and then she'll be deliriously happy. Won't that be fun?"
What a huge difference it makes being able to see the world.
And the universe.

I think having lived in 300-ish square feet for over two and a half years has forever changed who I am.  Anything -- anything -- after living there is going to feel like I'm supremely wealthy, lucky, and blessed.
Will and I were walking around the other day, dumbfounded.
"There's... so much space..."
"I can move..."
"I can, like, walk into another room and suddenly, we're... not in the same room anymore..."
This apartment is only 600 square feet.
And it feels like a castle.

Wise Words from BFFSC

Before the move --

"I wanted to tell you about living with a boy: there are some things that you'll think a boy wouldn't care about, like say the color of new plates or a couch, but he does for some reason and so do you because, well, you're a girl and an artist so those things matter.  Just something to keep in mind.  Compromise!"

Sage advice.

Thank you, J.


June 29, 2012

Notes of Cedar

June 16, 2012

Of late --
getting reacquainted with my books and pretty things I forgot I owned
getting to know Will's books
feeling enchanted by the newness
learning the tricky, creaky spots on the wood floors

Beautiful things await you.
-Panda Express

June 29, 2012

Radical Face Ghost - Welcome Home
Fell in love with this song, just now, not knowing what the title was.
How apt!

Drove out to Wal-Mart on 82nd to pick up some things.  Drove past all my old places, shops, restaurants I'd frequent and it made me feel sad.  Feel lots of things at once... again.  Feel a wash of memories and thoughts.  It's weird how we can have many memories at once.
They come in floods.

We never think that the first or second time 
we go somewhere or do something, 
it may be the last.

I dropped off keys and my forwarding address.  Kept myself from crying.  Very tricky, at that moment.

Will used to smudge with sage (smudge sage? I don't know the proper usage) in our old apartment.  He did it almost every night.  He did it once here in the new place and then switched to cedar.

If you've never smelled, cedar is the most wonderful, calming, soothing smell I've ever filled my nose with.  It makes me feel like I've been alive for a thousand years, some kind of ancient wisdom, an old historic sense.  Seriously.

Get some cedar.

June 28, 2012

New Apartment: Part II

We moved and then immediately took a vacation.

I do not recommend this.

Though, we did plan the vacation before we knew we were moving, so it's not completely our own bird-brained-ness.

The most unfortunate part of going on a vacation right after moving is coming home after having a wonderful and relaxed time only to discover the piles of crap have only just ... stayed there ... and not miraculously cleaned themselves.  I sulked about it for a while, then distracted myself by going to my Fred Meyer for the first time and then making something delicious for dinner: a beef stir-fry, served on a tiny table in the only spare patch of floor space we had.

We are going to be CIVILIZED, dammit.

And, I've walked to and from work twice this week, which is a little more than two miles each way.  These mornings are beautiful!  I know Portlanders are crying themselves to sleep every night because it's almost July and still cloudy, but MAN OH MAN these overcast mornings and warm, balmy afternoons are just pulling my freaking heart strings.  They are days that call for both walks outside to soak up the air, and drinking hot tea while sitting in a window.

Last night I made a FANTASTIC on-the-fly dinner borrowing a recipe I found in Better Homes & Gardens.  Well, I didn't follow it exactly, because I didn't have some things, had other things I needed to get rid of, and I honestly didn't feel right about paying four dollars for fresh basil leaves.  

Cooked up some sausages to go with the nice crunchy, cold number and voila: a meal to die for.

Also last night, we finally whipped the little front living room corner into some kind of shape

Extreme cozy!!!!!!

and slapped that computer desk/bookcase/painting/too many cords thing in the mouth.

So it's going well overall, though a little slow for my taste.  I can't really move around as quickly as I used to (I won't go into it) so I have to be more deliberate about my movements, but I'm starting to appreciate the value of going slowly, of chipping away at something little by little, of taking things one piece at a time.  Or, in this case, one box at a time.

It feels nice.  And I think my Boy prefers it this way because it speaks to his rather slow and deliberate Taurean nature.

Here's the progression so far, in case you're curious:
(And maybe you can't really tell much difference, but I CAN and that's what matters.)

CRAP.  Now that I'm looking at these side-by-side, they ALL LOOK THE SAME.  Arrrrrgggghhhh!

Whatever.  So be it.

You're just jealous.

June 19, 2012

New Apartment: Part I


My life is like, way more totally different.  Moving is a weird thing.  My reference point for everything for the last 2.66 years has revolved around the same place.  Now that place is 8.2 miles away from where it used to be, which reduces my commute down to 2.1 miles instead of 10.3, which is the equivalent of 4.5 minutes instead of 17.8.

That's a considerable distance.

The commute is now so short, in fact, that yesterday I actually arrived before I left.

Neither of us can quite wrap our heads around it.  We don't know what's around here at all.  I keep wanting to go to Than Thao but now it's much too inconvenient to eat there.

But I don't feel much like exploring yet, because so many bombs have gone off in this apartment I feel obligated to at least sort some of it out.  And because I have no money.  Helloooo, ACH at midnight tonight!

AND, I'm thinking all my fans (ha ha ha ... Ahh, I made myself laugh) would like an update and some photos of the place, anyhow.

So while my laundry is finishing: a little guided tour.  (Yes, I have done four loads since our arrival.  You do not know what it means to me to have laundry THAT IS NOT COIN-OP.)

This is how it starts.  You know, typical move.  Lots of boxes and whatnot.  Basically a disaster, but that's to be expected.

Living room

And then when you start to unpack, everything explodes and becomes ever MORE of a disaster.  Like, exponentially fast.  Even when you BREAK DOWN the boxes, they still spawn more boxes and spew stuff just EVERYWHERE.

Living room on crack

Like, I've already done so much stuff and you wouldn't know it.  

But what's important is the exponentially fast arrival of my long lost happiness.  That's right, I said it.  The other place was making me so miserable in so many ways... Nevermind the fact that when I went there yesterday to retrieve the rest of my clothing and my curtain rods, my chest started hurting immediately as I inhaled the musty, moldy, suffocating air.

I couldn't believe we lived there.  Lived there and didn't realize how bad the dampness and mold was.

Then, on top of that anger and frustration, I got caught up in all this nostalgia and I was flooded with memories.

Too many feelings at once!  Damn you, Ability to Feel Multiple Complicated Things All at the Same Time!

I don't really feel like getting into that right now.  Later, perhaps.

What is also important here is the first morning coffee I enjoyed in my living room.

This is me in Heaven

My heart melts the fastest in diffused, crispy morning light.  Ohhhh, siiiiigh . . . And, oh what's that?  A grassy courtyard with lovely plants and flowers?  A flock of children riding their bikes back and forth and back and forth over the same stretch of sidewalk, entertaining me way more than TV ever could?  Beautiful sunlight pouring in my windows?  A warm cup of coffee nestled between my paws?

Yep.  I've died.

But the Teapot still lives, and told me she quite loves it here even though she remains skeptical of the flat black top stove.  (Don't we all?)

And the coffee station was set up first-thing, adorned with the most PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL table cloth my Mama sent me a few days before the move.  (Thanks, Ma!!!!)


And do you know how amazing it is to have a back door?

(No, that is not a euphemism.)

And windows in the kitchen where you can put plants?

Jades prefer kitchens.

And MORE THAN ONE window to hang curtains from??

I was a little rusty putting this up, but it hasn't fallen down yet...
Extra holes are good luck, right? 

Other important things to note: we have copious amounts of alcohol,

What bottle of rose?  You didn't bring a bottle of *hiccup* rose.

the bedroom is staying in pretty good shape despite the explosions happening in the next room,

Do you see?  Do you SEE that chandelier??!!  It's like they knew I was coming...

I cannot stop staring at the yellow tile floor in the bathroom,

and these ADORABLE curtains came with the place.
I happen to love them intensely.

Eeeek!  My laundry is dry!  Time to hang (more) curtains and delight in my handiwork.


More to follow!

June 9, 2012

Courtesy of Susan Miller: June 2012

"All month long you may have the eerie feeling that you are being prescient, and that you know things almost psychically without knowing why you do.  Your inner antenna will be high, and you will be detecting all sorts of instinctual feelings.  If anyone in your path challenges one of your decisions, it is important that you stick to your guns and trust your ow instinct."

Already with you, Susan.
And because I didn't know what prescient means --

   having prescience, or knowledge of things 
   or events before they exist or happen; having 

>Full Moon June 4th
>> full moons often bring information to the surface

>> something ends and something else begins

Getaway in the Ell Bee

June 3, 2012
Three days in Long Beach

Land.  Pee.  Excitement surges and I elate.  I'm here!

Target.  Maxi dress.  No, I'm not registered to vote in Long Beach.
Omg this kid is so fucking cute.  Heart sufficiently melts.

Homemade mac salad and quesadillas on corn tortillas.  Wee!

Bran flakes and fat free milk.  Coffee from Portland, Oregon.  Lots of chit chat and hanging out.
We're good at that.

First walk.  Crispy ocean air.  Dog pees on three lampposts and takes a steamy shit.

Day goes by too fast.  WinCo.  Homemade pizza and the Champagne of Beers.
So cozy and full.

Chocolate chip bagel French Toast with fresh strawberries and maple syrup.  Bananas Foster for dessert.  Two scrambled eggs.  Coffee.  Breakfast-induced sugar coma.

Baby gets a bath in the sink.  Officially deemed Cutest Thing Ever in Life.

Haircut on the back patio under the stairs.  New bangs!  Shower, snacks, art and craft fair.  Cool tees and things made of rubber.  Too much want.

Sandwiches and iced coffees at home.  Chat with Brother on the phone.

More iced coffee at Portfolio Coffee House.  Reminds me of Portland in every single way.  Can't decide if I like this art or not.  Love this coffee, though.
Start writing this stuff in this little book.
Laughs and tattoo talk and good, easy fun.
Cool kids.

Tacos at El Taco Loco #3.  Feel a wee bit uncomfortable being the only white people in the entire neighborhood.  Ohh, silly white person.
No matter -- the tacos are the best I've ever had, ever.  Stuffed our faces on pastries from the bakery next door.  Five items for three bucks!  Unreal!

Played two rollicking rounds of Scattergories.  Laughed laughed laughed.  Felt strangely like a "grown up."  More on that later.  Passed out hard.

Wake up to coffee smell and odors of sizzling bell pepper.  Ahh, more bliss...
Killer breakfast made by D.  Lots of coffee (natch).  Vigorous walk up the crazy inclines on Signal Hill.  Invigorated!  Fresh morning air and exercise.  Crisp ocean breeze.  *Love*

Hang with Melissa and Brandon at the apartment.  Mesmerized by her vintage glow.  Laugh some more.  Watch August run around in his walker.  Hilarity ensues.

Hair trim again.  Raised the bitchy factor considerably on the new cut.  Yesssss.  Ate a sandwich with pepper turkey, packed my things, said goodbye.
Too soon.  Always.

Flight cancelled and routed from LAX instead.  Delayed one hour.  DOH!  If I'd known, I'd've stayed a little longer.  Maybe ...

Land.  So uncomfortable.  So tired.  Catch the MAX.

Exit MAX and head to bus stop.  Another 34 minutes until next bus... Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu --

Start walking home from NE 60th and Glisan.  Screw you, bus.

Arrive home.  Exhausted.  Dirty with airplane.  Hip hurts from rolling luggage two and a half miles.
But so effing happy.

<3 <3 <3

Moleskine Cachet: 2 of 3 Part II

May 31, 2012
En route to Long Beach


potential for loss
potential for success
potential for greater success
make a bet

potential for loss
without premeditation
potential for satisfaction

Delight in discovering some overlap.
Still working on this and do so enjoy the spider web of thought.

We are taught what to learn but we are not taught how to learn.
The power and value of brainstorming, freewriting, "brain dumping," and even
sitting in silence and just thinking 
is not emphasized in traditional public education.
Ideas need space.
Ideas need air.
Ideas need other ideas.
We need not get things right the first time.
We need to write and throw things around a few times 
before we can begin to form anything solid.
And this is where creativity happens.

Moleskine Cachet: 2 of 3

May 31, 2012
En route to Long Beach

     Home is where the coffee is.

All day today, everywhere, it's damp, muggy, and smells like fart.
I'm not a huge fan of eau de fart.

Begin Haiku Rampage:

The floor laughs under
tickling toes of flyer's feet,
kajillions per day.

Walls chatter away
infinite stories to tell
where planes intersect.

I sincerely wish
my luggage didn't smell like
mildewy closet.

Tomorrow will be
sunny, warm, eighty degrees
when I'm far from here.

Please rain for me, Oh
sweet, damp City of Roses --
I'm on vacation.

Dear Starbucks: Please stop
burning the coffee every
time I'm here. It's gross.

Dear Starbucks: I might
consider drinking here, if
it was good at all.

Dear Starbucks: Your mom
is ashamed of you. Please stop
burning the coffee.

Dear Random White Guy,
We're at the airport. Please stop
staring at me Thanks.

Dear People from Wales,
Can you please talk forever?
I heart your accents.

Dear Skinny Blonde Girl,
Please eat something. Your rib bones
make my stomach hurt.

Dear Moldy Suitcase,
I'm still really mad at you.
Stop being smelly.

Dear My Aching Neck,
Don't give up on me now -- we're
not on the plane yet.

Dear August Michael,
You are the love of my life.
Period. The End.

Dear New Apartment,
Can you fast forward Time, please?
I am ready now.

End Haiku Rampage.


May 31, 2012
En route to Long Beach

As I'm going through security, you know -- taking all my clothes off, removing my shoes, emptying my pockets,  taking a breathalyzer, trying not to lose track of my stuff, pulling out all the plastic bags and tiny bottles of liquid in a frenzy --

TSA Agent:  So I see you've got a thing for chickens... [referring to my hen tattoo]
Me:  Heh!  Yes, I do.
TSA Agent:  How many do you have?
Me:  Just one.
TSA Agent:  You know chickens get lonely...
Me:  <laugh politely>
TSA Agent:  [looking at me intensely] You know chickens get ... LONELY ...

Oh god. Did that really just happen?

June 8, 2012

On Serendipity and the Tyrannical Death Grip


So, my life is totally different now.

Once again reinforcing my feelings about the Universe and how it works.  (Yes Mom, I know that's not a complete sentence -- I did it on purpose.)  Most of it was the Tao.  Or something like the Tao.  Like once you stop wanting something, that's when you get it?

Yeah.  That's totally my life right now.

My last big post was on a very special day.  That day marked many important moments in my immediate life.  They are as follows:

1)  I Will Not Be Homeless
I realized that Worst Case Scenario in the whole apartment-slash-moving situation is not that bad.  Worst Case Scenario is Will moves into my shoe box, forcing me to throw out a bunch of old crap I never use and reorganize everything stupendously using my mad reorganizational skills, and we live merrily like we do now.  That's WORST CASE SCENARIO, PEOPLE.  We don't have to move.  We want to move.  And if we don't move, we will not be homeless.  We will merely live in a shoe box.  Not so bad.  Thus, spoiled beezie no more.

2)  I'm Skilled Enough To Do It On My Own
I realized that I do not need anybody's help finding a new place to live.  I thought that I needed an "in."  I thought I had to know somebody who owned a place or knew someone who had a place or was vacating a place or whatever in order to find what I was looking for because the market is so bad right now.  But you know what?  I'll do it on my own, dammit. If it's supposed to happen, it will, and if it's not then it won't, and I don't need to kiss anybody's patootie to get myself there. Period.

3)  I Will Not Be Defeated
I realized that I might actually >gasp< enjoy living in my shoe box with my Boy.  The thought became fun and exciting, and most of all: challenging in new and creative ways.  It became less an issue of feeling like I can't or don't want to, than one of I can and I most certainly will.  That's a fun feeling.

4)  I Will Chill The Fuck Out
In finding flecks of gold in the dog poop (or something that's like the silver lining), I  automatically loosened my tyrannical death grip on this entire situation.  I let it the fuck GO.  Or there's that other metaphor that's like ... You can't squeeze a handful of sand, because it ... Well you have to cradle it ... Or whatever.  Basically you have to let situations evolve as they will, and stop trying to control the shit out of it by wringing it to death.  I finally realized how wound up I was.  And I was finally like, "You know?  This doesn't feel good.  Screw these lame feelings."

So, in a nutshell, I stopped wanting the thing I so desperately wanted.  Because wanting it so hard wasn't getting us anywhere, and I think it created some unnecessary conflicts along the way.

This was all on that Saturday, give or take a few days of reflection and hindsight.

Fast forward to the following Monday.  I got home from work and I was really stinking tired. I start futzing around in the kitchen and the suddenly strong and overwhelming feeling to hop on Craigslist hits me in the face.  Now, this is not unusual, but this time it was distinct.  I'm on Craigslist all the time apartment hunting, why is now different than any other time I feel the urge to get on Craigslist?

So since I insisted, I got on the computer and the first posting under my search was something that appeared too good to be true (they usually are).  It was posted only ten minutes before.  Hrrmmmmm.... Suspicious.  And once I saw the pictures at the bottom I totally flipped out in panic.  Must!  Send!  Response!  Now!

I scrambled for the email in my Sent box that I send to potential rentals.  Now!  Must send NOW!

Wham bam sent DONE holy crap.  Whew.

Weird, all those crazy feelings.

Back to kitchen stuff...

Just a few hours later I get a response from someone who sounds unexpectedly normal and friendly.  It sounded like I caught her off-guard, like maybe I was the first to respond.  Showing on Saturday.  Time not worked out yet.  Would let me know.

Then the next day out of nowhere and totally unprompted, the guy who owns the building where we almost got a different apartment (but we ended up not getting by mere moments.  I eventually stopped crying about it) emailed me.  He said he might have a unit opening up at the end of the summer, and wanted to know if I'd like him to keep us in mind.  (When we didn't get the unit in his building, I think he could sense my disappointment, and asked if we wanted him to hold on to our applications, just in case.  I thought it rather nice, and said yes that would be great.  But, in reality, I didn't think that would happen.)  Lo and behold -- here he was, just days after all my spiritual revelations, and just one day after making contact with someone who seemed as normal as him.  I replied.  Yes, absolutely.

What strange timing.

A few days went by and I didn't see a follow-up email from the lady with the times for the showing.  Naturally, I remained skeptical of the whole thing.  You know, it being Craigslist and whatnot.

As soon as I sat down to inquire about it, she had already emailed me the times for the showing, not twenty minutes before and even asked if it "fit with my schedule."  Well, that's gosh darned considerate!

Again, rather strange timing.  And unusually cordial.


It must be a trick.  There must be something terribly, terribly wrong with this place.  Or this lady.  Three heads or no face or something.  Something.

I mailed back, said Yes Thank you Fantastic See you there, and left it at that.

I planned to go completely ready for anything.  I refused -- REFUSED -- to screw this one up like I did the last one.  Even if the apartment was a shit box, I was prepared to fork over lots of cash and all our most personal information like it was nothing.  I planned for it to be The One and was prepared for it not to be, rather than the opposite.  I even created my own rental application in Excel and had both mine and Will's filled out beforehand so I wouldn't have to worry about it.  I stalked the building thirty minutes before the scheduled start time in hopes of snagging her when she arrived, my two friends Charm and Poise on standby.

The next few hours are a blur.  I ended up being the second person to give her the application and a check.  I was nervous and anxious.  I wanted it so badly.  It turned out to be freakin' beautiful and perfect and soooo stupidly fantastic.  Goddammit, I want this place!  Fuck fuck fuck.  I was a disastrous mess on the inside but, as is typical for me, calm and witty on the outside.  The lady was so nice.  I was a wreck.  So many people viewing the apartment all at the same time.  People that look like nice normal folks who I might actually briefly entertain the idea of befriending, but who I secretly despise because we're essentially in competition.  I hate this situation!  Haaaaate!  So many complicated feelings.  So many tricky dynamics to maneuver while holding back the imminent frustration and looming disappointment.  Fuuuuuuuck.  Someone inquired about the follow-up timeline.  She said something about it being a holiday weekend so things can't be processed until Tuesday, and even then it might be a few days, so we're thinking in about a week everyone will know, etc etc etc.  Okay, so a while.  Either way, a while.  That's okay.  I can deal.  I will deal for this place.  Purely spectacular.  I'm crying on the inside.  Kill me now.

We left and went to a barbecue in Battle Ground.  I tried to contain my surging anxiety and fought to hold back the what-ifs, why-didn'ts, and coulda-shoulda-wouldas.  But being with other people helped to take ours minds off the complexity of the morning.  Ate some meat and guac, drank some beers, sat on the deck.

Ahh, yes.  This is summer...

Blazing sunshine, good classic tunes, a nice breeze, a tasty --

What the--?  A voicemail on my phone?  It didn't even ring.

That's weird.

Not two hours after leaving the showing.

"I just want to let you know that the apartment is yours, provided everything goes through.  We look forward to having you!"

As my tiny and exuberant coworker would say: SHUT THE FRONT DOOR.

I shit my pants right there, looking at Will while the message still played, staring at him wide-eyed and aghast with the phone in my hand.

"You will not believe what's going on in my ear right now."

"Who's pregnant."

"Nobody.  Guess."

"Somebody died?"

"Just throw it out there.  The craziest thing you can think of."

"...We got the apartment?"

"We got the fucking apartment."

I've been on a cloud for a week and a half.  I've drawn three floor plans already and mailed one to Ma, I'm having dreams about how I'll arrange the furniture, I've already planned the bathroom storage devices I'll purchase at Wal-Mart, and I CANNOT THINK ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE. The situation is truly unbelievable.  We looked for SIX MONTHS and it wasn't until I stopped caring did everything fall into place.  It wasn't until I let everything go and stopped being adamant and stopped insisting that things be a certain way did all the pieces fit together and feel so perfectly right.

And that's what it felt like.  Like everything was just falling naturally into place, because it was supposed to.  Not because I forced it to.

And I just CAN'T.  FREAKIN'.  WAIT!



On Having Common Interests

Will:  Wanna meet me at the Bagdad at 5:00 to watch something about dolphins?

Will:  I like dolphins.

Will:  I think it's safe to say we both like dolphins.