June 24, 2011

Funny how just today as I examined my face in the mirror, smudged with the dampness of a hard and stressful day, I thought how nice the name Wallace is and how I rarely come across it in print (which really isn't saying a whole lot -- I'm not much of a reader) and then, out of nowhere, I happened to be reading a nice book called "Beyond Wealth: The Road Map to a Rich Life" and BAM there it is: a reference to Wallace Stevens.  The emerging of information is never evenly distributed, like how birthdays aren't either, so I don't know why I ever expect it will be.

Speaking of Wallace Stevens, he says so succinctly something I have always felt about a good meander --

"In my room, the world is beyond my understanding.  But when I walk, I see that it consists of three or four hills and a cloud."
           from Of the Surface of Things

Other Things Of note:
Ugly NY has gone out of business, and this makes me sad
slog: to walk or plod heavily; long laborious work; to toil
www.manbabies.com <------- Go here.

Of All the Times & Things & Places

Today, I am an Oregonian.

I was standing at 39th and Hawthorne (still firmly planted in the Cesar Chavez Boulevard boycott) waiting to cross the street when a black Jetta Hatchback Thing whipped around from my right making a U-turn and almost plowed me over.  The first reaction to such situations, as so eloquently and accurately put by Dane Cook, is Umm, hiii? then once I realized what was happening, Who the hell makes U-turns in this town?!  Probably a jerk from California.  He (barely) cleared the sidewalk and (thankfully) did not mow me down and the precise (PRECISE) moment after I cursed him in my mind he sped away to reveal his California license plate on the tail of his Hatchback Thing. 


Because any Californian who has driven in Oregon knows the U-turn laws are the exact opposite of each other.  Well, they should know.  This a-hole sure didn't.  In the big C-A, U-turns are permitted unless otherwise posted.  In the big O, U-turns are not permitted unless otherwise posted.  It's probably because the streets are so narrow and people almost get plowed down by a-holes from California who don't know the rules.

But really, I'm no big supporter of Oregon driving, either.  The speed limit is 40?  I'll go 25 then.  What's the rush?  Um, I'm in a rush because I have since become late after leaving my house on time because none of you drive the speed limit.  They must not have anywhere to be.

At any rate, I about pissed myself when my snap judgment about crazy U-turning Californians instantly turned out to be true.  This might be one of those "our brains figure out the answers to questions before our consciousness is aware of it" kind of things.

June 23, 2011

I Miss the Sand

Poo Poo on You

I almost bought a black dress today at Target but I was so annoyed by Project Demolition going on in there and the makeshift cardboard dressing room and not being able to find anything and wanting to wander through the Target that I know and love and get lost in the predictability that I boycotted buying anything.

No wait, that's a lie.  I bought toothpaste.

And trash bags.

And my favorite instant pasta (I know, gross) on sale for a dollar.  ONE DOLLAR.

And cereal because I forgot I'm almost out and man would I be pissed upon discovering that in the morning.

Okay so I didn't boycott Target.  Really the dress just made me look like a paper bag and that's probably why I didn't buy it (among other things).  I still felt like buying it, though.  Why do we do that?  Want things that even look like crap?  Women are funny.

And pretty weird, too.

June 19, 2011

Sunday Flow

       Carrot cake is not part of your "eat less sugar" diet.

Why don't I just stop buying clothing 
   that's not black 
       and be done with it?

I get these urges,
these impulses
to just be different,
feel different,
to be and feel
like someone completely different
and absolutely, truly me
at the very same time.

              >hand-drawn feel?  >irregular + sketchy?
              >antique modern + clouds + sky
              >machinery  >guns
              >mustaches on guns?

June 7, 2011

When I'm Not Stressed About Work:

Greek Scramble:
Greens, sauteed in olive oil
2 eggs, jumbo
Feta, crumbled
Pepper, fresh-cracked
2 big grape tomatoes, halved

Meat Group:
Smoked sausage, seared

Fruit Thing:
Tillamook Yogurt, plain

French Roast Green Mountain Coffee with Half & Half, guzzled

All that and I don't have a picture of it because I left my camera in Su's car last weekend in Southern California.  D'oh!  You'll just have to take my word that it was, and looked, delicious.

June 3, 2011

If The Skirt Fits

I find myself in Buffalo at the strange hour of almost-nine.  This is the third time I've tried on this skirt over the course of two or three months.  The long black knit jersey skirt with the thick waistband.  Cute, yeah?  I saw a similar thing on a pretty girl with black hair one day and it was freaking adorable.  AwesomeLoveItGottaHaveIt.  But she was a twig, and I'm not so much a twig.

Anyway, it's still not cute on me, even the third time around.  And not even now that it's 50% off.

I feel loopy in this store.  They're almost closing and I must comb through every single top on this rack.

Then the next rack.

And the next . . .

Am I OC, or what?

Maybe I'm loopy from the beer. 

See, I had this really horrific day.  It was my last day at my old job and perhaps the most insane day I've ever had, followed by a chiropractic appointment and an intensely irritating drive home where someone in front of me was trying to turn left on a narrow, busy street where turning left is prohibited.  I honked.  They honked back.  I yelled out my window "NO LEFT TURN, <EXPLETIVE> <EXPLETIVE>!"  I honked again.  They honked more.  I yelled again, threw some obscenities.  The people sitting outside at Starbucks probably thought me bonkers.  Will you look at the effing sign, please?  It says right there: NO LEFT TURN.  For crap's sake.  I have places to be and beverages to consume.

Anyway, after that I came home and dumped my bags of food from the office refrigerator on the counter, peeled off the corduroy pants my sweat was pooling inside, stuffed some salame slices in my mouth so I wouldn't pass out, and went on my merry way to the little Mexican restaurant on the corner with the outdoor patio.  I got me a fat Negra Modelo, a plate of nachos the size of a canoe (even though I said "chicos" not "grandes"), and parked myself at a table outside with a book I couldn't be bothered to begin, but I rather enjoyed pretending to read.  Some kids sat at another table with obnoxiously huge fake glasses and hi-tops, and I laughed to myself.  They looked like they were on a first date.  Knock-kneed and awkward and all that.  I wondered how old they were.  Then I felt sort of oldish thinking about how old they might be.  Then I felt even older thinking how I felt sort of oldish thinking about how old they must be.  Looking back, this was a much stranger moment than I originally thought.

Oh yeah, so the beer got to me really quickly because I hadn't eaten anything since 1:30 in the afternoon and I'd done a lot of running around and stressing out since then.  I got through half of the Modelo and most of the nachos before I started feeling a little tippy and bloated, so I slowed my roll and actually started reading the book that Dan gave me as a going away present.  It was sweet, really, how he got me that book.  Turns out he really likes me and enjoys working with me?  It's hard to tell how people really feel, especially in a work situation, thus once again reaffirming how important it is for humans to be able to articulate feelings.

I'm still working on that.  It's difficult, especially for feely types like myself.

Then suddenly it becomes dire, just dire, that I walk up the street to Buffalo and Shop. Right. Now.  So now I'm here, sifting through the racks like the store won't be here tomorrow or the next day or any day after that until forever from now, or at least until the Rapture on October 21st.  Or was it October 12th?  Whatever, the math will be right this time and Buffalo will be open at least until then.

Sift sift sift sift, flipping the shirts one at a time flip flip flip flip.  I soon feel a little flushed and absurd and much too self aware, so I hustle into the dressing room, take some things off, put some things on, discover that I just do not have the figure for those romper things (and feel oddly okay with this discovery, because it's certainly not my fault that people make clothes that don't fit me properly), and fall in love with how my canvas deck shoes (deck still pending) look with the short navy blue skirt I'm wearing.  Ah!  And the skirt has pockets.  That does it.

I settle on the navy blue short thing and an American Apparel T-shirt in a tasty heather grey.  I always buy my American Apparel shirts second-hand.  They last forever anyway, so I might as well snag 'em when they're cheapish.

Where shall my sloppy, stompy feet take me next?  Maybe to the wine shop to see if Brent's working, or see if Devon's there so I can tell her I miss her pretty face.  I think I might change into my new skirt in the bathroom, because I simply cannot wait.


In case you were wondering, I left my job this week.

And in case you were wondering again, I got a new job to replace it.

Yes, it was long overdue.

No, it wasn't easy finding a new one.

Yes, I am nervous about starting next week.

But I look forward to getting my soul back.