It's been six months.
I know I kind of fell off the face of the earth for a while... But I hope you trust I have been productive and buzzing with creativity in addition to making some major life changes. And I have not forgotten the beloved Teapot.
First off: the Boy and I broke up and he moved out. I won't go into detail but it's important to note we are still wonderful friends. I've been living alone in The Brain (what I have now dubbed the place that houses my Mess and me) since early January. I am totally loving it. It's been a while since I've lived alone, truly alone, and there is no other way to describe the feeling than it being overwhelmingly the most perfect thing for me right now.
Secondly, my levels of inspiration and creativity have spiked drastically. I'm painting like a fiend, writing up a storm, and drawing like a madwoman. I made it my Official 2013 Goal to paint two paintings per month. So far I'm almost on track -- two in January, one in February, two in March. If I do three in April I'll be good to go but I'm feeling really great about the progress nonetheless. I have been posting the pictures on Facebook but I'll put them here too. To say I am excited about the recent paintings is a stupidly massive understatement.
Thirdly, I've been doing more reading, thinking and pondering. I have thus far categorically rejected the concept of Time (it simply does not exist), reinforced the power and magnitude of soul connections, and embraced my deep, unrealized love for the perfume "Fame" by Lady Gaga. (I know, go figure...) There is more, a lot more, to say about topics falling into the "existential" realm but I will discuss those at a later time.
Lastly, I bought myself a computer. A new computer. A little 15.6-inch HP laptop with Windows 8. I would like to note how monumental this is. This is not only the first computer I have ever bought, ever, but the only computer I've ever used that is mine and only mine, not shared, nor used for other things like work or school. The feeling of purchasing my own computer with my own money for my own purposes is a fantastic feeling. Powerful, big, "grown up." Still not sure what being an "adult" means, but I'm getting closer to understanding, I think... maybe......
(Do we ever feel like "adults?")
I hope to do some more regular writing and posting on the wee Teapot, the poor neglected thing... The good thing about her is she doesn't judge me, and has waited quietly and patiently for my return.
More to follow.
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