August 20th
I'm standing here talking to her and she's trying to talk me into cutting my hair off, really really short --
I tell her NO, I'm trying to grow it, but as she describes the cut I am more and more lured in to the idea of chopping it all off --
Stop being so impressionable --
I don't know who she is, but I'm supposed to know -- Some blonde lady in a pastel-colored cardigan --
I think of the maintenance on a short cut and I shiver, then resist the temptation --
A food cart, or maybe it's in a building, just very small, a literal hole in the wall on the side of a building -- french fries and fried fish -- They're disorganized and scrambling for tickets -- Did they lose Cale's order? -- The girl with the blue hair looks very stressed out -- This place is dingy -- Are we in New York City?
We can't find the captain of the ship -- Something is about to happen, something really important, and she is nowhere to be found --
My partner and I leave the ship, run down the ramps and onto the dock scrambling, searching, combing the dewy early morning streets -- She's huddled, crouched, wrapped in a large navy blue coat, or maybe it's a blanket, and her long grey hair that was once regal is now scraggly and unkempt -- Her eyes are wide and anxious, unknowing, unfamiliar and in another place -- sadness and confusion overwhelms me -- How could it have come to this? How did everything decline so quickly?
We try to help her back through the streets but she resists, resists, fights -- A chase ensues and my confusion must be set aside for the long pursuit --
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