Brother: All of my tupperware is in the sink waiting to be washed. I can’t bring myself to just do it, just wash the stuff. It’s been there for weeks.
Me: Wait, this is the same tupperware you were complaining about a couple Saturdays ago?
Brother: Yeah.
Me: Gross.
Brother: And, because I don’t have a single piece of it clean, then I have nothing to put leftovers in.
Me: Use foil.
Brother: I don’t have any foil. And since I have nothing to put leftovers in, then I’ve stopped cooking. But I still need to feed myself so I started eating out all the time. And because I’m eating out all the time I’m destroying my money situation.
Me: This sounds pretty catastrophic.
Brother: Do you see? Do you see how not doing my dishes is destroying my entire LIFE??
Me: So go do them.
Brother: Uggggghhh. I just can’t be bothered.
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