The most PERFECT cup of coffee in a US Army: ARMY STRONG mug
Low fat mini chocolate cupcake, made with love
Fat spoonful peanut butter (like, fat fat…)
Thick grey skies
Dying bamboo
Absent buses
Approximately one more hour of sleep
The feeling that surges through my body when I lift weights
More poetry
Black Mary Janes
Black structured coat, maybe with some great buttons or a
high collar
Black floppy sweater with the perfect amount of floppy
*Of note:
Odd phenomenon = Phenoddmenon
I feel like I'm about to jump out of my skin.
Puffy clouds!
Sixty-something degrees!
I stood on the sidewalk in front of the court house, read the Mercury and let the sun seep seep seep into my skin. Burn my eyes. Warm my hair. God, it felt good.
It is imperative that I run home from work today, rather than go to the gym. I think I would regret it if I didn't.
And tonight I will cook dinner for the Boy and Brother Number One with the windows open, curtains aside, air moving through and pure sweet elation in my gut.
We will eat and eat.
We will be merry and cozy.
Much laughter will ensue.
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