The orange walls inside
First Cup Coffee on
Woodstock make my
heart sing. The most
spectacular orange,
rich and tasty, as the
backdrop for my bright
green oversized sweater,
plus a fat cup of
smooth coffee. Superb.
The orange walls inside
First Cup Coffee on
Woodstock make my
heart sing. The most
spectacular orange,
rich and tasty, as the
backdrop for my bright
green oversized sweater,
plus a fat cup of
smooth coffee. Superb.
And me without
a camera . . .
You'll just
have to imagine.
Because it was superb.
a camera . . .
You'll just
have to imagine.
Because it was superb.
Attempt at skyline.
A young gentleman at
Fresh Pot last weekend.
He stood prettily at
the counter chatting
with some folks. I like
his bag and peacoat.
Dear Devon,
I effing love your eighties-tastic
glasses. They made my day. And you are
super hot, too.
Bambino in . . . 34 days?
Oh for crap's sake.
Inside the Studio
Jane Hammond
"I think one of the things that's interesting about art is that it holds all these aspects of yourself: your intellect, your autobiography, your emotional life, your sense of humor. It holds all these things about you, half of which you're helpless to keep out of it."
"One of the things I think is confounding and difficult for an artist, or that I've found so, is that there is a certain pressure on you -- I don't mean a commercial pressure but a sort of aesthetic pressure -- to formulate something you might call a style."
Stupid cold,
but sunny.
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