Dreams of tidal waves. Death. Friend’s death. Death’s death. Alarm. GANK GANK GANK GANK. Roll over. Roust. Slump. Slippers. Lights. Pills. Brush teeth. Apply face. Cereal. Insert eyes. Hair. Clothes. Lock door. Bus. Elevator. Clock in. Machines on. Sort. Distribute. Unlock. Put away. Avoid. Good morning. News. Water. Phone. Grumble. Vitamin C. Coffee. Stack. Rearrange. Put off. Oatmeal, raisins, walnuts. Coffee. Open, close. Iron. Vitamin D. Submit. Process. Pee. Distribute. Open, close. Phone. Evade. Sort. Phone. Process. Resubmit. Fix. Correct. Resubmit. Copy. Phone. Phone. Water. Move. Pee. Deliver. Complete. Issue. Print. Fill out. Attach. Put in folder. Pass off. Clock out. Email. Facebook. Microwave. Beans. Cheese. Uh-huh, yeah. NOM NOM. Exit. Rinse. Dishwasher. Elevator. Sunshine. See my breath. Willamette Week. Jonesin’. The Mercury. Vulgar. Puke colored flats. Blinded. Warm building. Phone. Plod. Elevator. Peach detox. Water. Coffee. Clock in. Elevator. Basement. Elevator. Open. Sort. Copy. Pee. Machine on. Submit. Submit. Submit. Submit. Phone. Phone. Submit. Phone. Submit. Submit. Phone. Grapes. Cottage cheese. Copies. Print. Sort. Tear. Print. Distribute. Resist. Log. Plan. Lose. Rearrange. Find. Walk. Type. News. Water. Run through. Stick. Elevator. Bank. Hi, I’m good. Thank you. Elevator. Tidy. Machines off. Clock out. Shut down. Lock. Close. Shut. Elevator. Finger scan. Avoid. Elliptical. Water. Treadmill. Water. Arms. Stretch. Abs. Focus. Stretch. Water. Coat. Pack. Bus. Doze. Dank. Unlock. Deshoe. Decoat. Radio. Water. Dinner. Crossword. Dishes. Tidy. Remove eyes. Shower. Wash off face. Jammies. Blow dry. Brush teeth. Pill. Cozy. Crossword. Doze. Lamp off. Fetal position. Dreams. Death. Famous person’s death. Dream away.
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