October 20, 2013

Musings Overview

I found a very tiny faux Moleskine in a bucket on the bottom shelf of a bookcase.  It is filled with beautiful, breathtaking, completely insightful and wildly delicate drawings, words, ideas from late 2007-early 2008.

I was in college then.

I remember these tiny sketchbooks I kept.  At the time they were merely a dumping ground for all the gunk floating around in my brain at any given moment.  A place to purge.  Remove.  Record.  Repeat.

I never suspected I would encounter one years later and be fully swept away by its contents.

It is truly a gem.  Anyone who knows me knows this is not a sentiment I reserve for my own makings.  I am simply that struck.

Tiny, itty bitty portraits drawn with one of those stupidly fine Micron pens, ones I would inevitably end up throwing away because I pushed too hard ONE time and the tip was toast.  Face after face of fleeting, careful moments in the day-to-day existence of a 22-year-old college student whose life just seemed so. Hard. Always…

Microscopic doodlings of J so delicately exacting the most perfect mark with a razor blade on a sixty pound chunk of stone.

The wiry outline of a Volkswagon sitting across the street from the bus stop I grew to love and loathe.

A crisp rendition of a bottle of Crystal Geyser water perched on the edge of my workstation, embodying the soul of those moments when I realized I had no idea what the hell I was doing.  Wanting to crawl away and sleep.

Haiku after ridiculous haiku about nothing at all, like I am a small child first discovering he has legs, and deeply understanding the power such knowledge wields.

And writing, too.  Poetry, sense impressions, thoughts... I will post a few here, as I'd like to continue enjoying them over and over again, and maybe you will too.


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